For Ear Sake is not a music blog that illegally shares albums, but an outlet geared toward supporting artists. You will get a full sense of what moves me musically through the albums reviewed, videos, and other miscellaneous music topics. For Ear Sake was created to shine a light on different genres, and educate individuals on the importance of supporting the artists we listen to. With an open mind and heart for music, not only will this be an adventure, but the perfect source for inspiration, and a journey for you and I respectively. "And through the production of music, we inspire beauty; a gift crafted perfectly with the lessons of life and the fantasy of our futures."

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tyler, The Creator - GOBLIN (2011)
Genres: Alternative Hip-Hop

*I'll cut to the chase and state this now. This album can be perceived as extremely offensive, and/or controversial. Please be warned, and listen at your own discretion.

This one is not for the faint of heart. Hailing from Los Angeles, CA, Tyler, The Creator is one of the most the most controversial artist I have encountered to date. Rape, suicide, pentagrams, death, kidnapping, swastikas, drugs, and satanism are common themes of this album, and I do mean common. "GOBLIN" was said to be one of the most anticipated albums of the year, and that goes with good measure. This is technically Tyler's debut album, following his first free album entitled "BASTARD". Both albums are quite similar, in the sense Tyler is speaking to his imaginary therapist, Dr. T.C. (get it) throughout. Notably, the production is composed mainly by Tyler, The Creator himself, and he does a damn good job; this young man is talented to say the least. Not only does he produce his own albums, he does his own artwork and videos. Oh, and I do mean young man, because Tyler was still in high school when he dropped "BASTARD".

Tyler, The Creator is the founder of the group "Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All (Don't Give A Fuck)" otherwise known as OF. OF has been on the underground scene for quite some time, gathering fame from their talent and pure creativity. Members include Tyler the Creator, Earl Sweatshirt, Hodgey Beats, Left Brain, Domo Genesis, Frank Ocean, Taco, Syd the Kid, Mike G, and many more; all spanning in age from 17 to 24. The group recently has been taking flight, selling out records and topping charts, and the momentum is only growing.

"BASTARD" is recommended to the faint of heart. If you're offended by the content featured on the album, the album isn't for you. However, if you are interested in buying yourself a copy, Turntable Lab has copies for you (here)! I've also included the official music video (directed by Tyler himself) for the track "Yonkers" below. Enjoy!


Decoi Jones said...

I don't particularly care for this dude nor OF. I agree he is creative but far too extreme for me.

court cobain said...

Yeah, I'm sure a lot of people think of him as being too extreme. I feel like the world's going to hell after I listen to him, so you're not alone lol.

tekneiq said...

i'd be lying if i said they didn't rub me the wrong way when i first peeped them.. but i was intrigued by dudes passion and will to totally not give a f*.

court cobain said...

Yeah, it does take a lot of balls and passion to not give a !$%# to rap about raping people, and all of the other crazy wild things he raps about.

court cobain said...

I also think it's commendable that Tyler produces most if not all of his material for not only himself but for his camp, and directs his own music videos. The topics he touches may be from the pits of hell, but you're forced to give this kid respect based on his work ethic. Rape, murder, deadbeat daddy issues, physical insecurities, slandering his mother... All foul topics, but this kid is that beam of light that shines through the gray clouds known as the direction YOUNG people are taking music. Young people can learn more than a thing or two from this kid. If his topics weren't as raunchy, I'm sure many people would think there's still hope in the future of the music industry.

Maybe I'm wrong...

The Goddess K said...

I was skeptical about Tyler The Creator when I first listened to his music. It took running across a different video where he explained in-depth the meaning behind his lyrics becaue before the interview, I was like "THIS IS BLASPHEMY." Its very unique that he writes his lyrics through the minds of criminals. I don't think I can compare him to any other artist.