For Ear Sake is not a music blog that illegally shares albums, but an outlet geared toward supporting artists. You will get a full sense of what moves me musically through the albums reviewed, videos, and other miscellaneous music topics. For Ear Sake was created to shine a light on different genres, and educate individuals on the importance of supporting the artists we listen to. With an open mind and heart for music, not only will this be an adventure, but the perfect source for inspiration, and a journey for you and I respectively. "And through the production of music, we inspire beauty; a gift crafted perfectly with the lessons of life and the fantasy of our futures."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Last Electro-Acoustic Space Jazz &
Ensemble - Summer Suite (2007/2009)
Genre: Jazz

"Summer Suite is a 40-minute jazz fusion piece produced and arranged by Madlib, under the name The Last Electro-Acoustic Space Jazz & Percussion Ensemble. This suite is a single track comprised of four major sections and several different themes, altogether feeling similar to, more more cohesive, than one of Madlib's jazz mixtapes. “Electro-acoustic space jazz” itself is a fitting description.

The Last Electro-Acoustic Space Jazz & Percussion Ensemble, a faceless and nameless collective in Madlib's self-created world of jazz groups, was debuted on the album Yesterdays Universe (2007). The compilation marked the end of Madlib's first series of jazz records, the Yesterdays New Quintet cycle (2000-2007), and the beginning of a new era, an evolved sound, and many new names: The Last Electro, Jackson Conti, Young Jazz Rebels, Jahari Masaba Unit, Kamala Walker and the Soul Tribe. Summer Suite was originally created in 2007 and given a limited release in CD-R form for buyers of Yesterdays Universe in 2007." - Stones Throw

This particular week feels like April. The rain has been on and off since Sunday, cold chills have spontaneously been slicing through me like butter, and my ears crave for Jazz music. The only way to truly appreciate gloomy skies, wet pavements, and the smell of the dampened Earth is by putting on the perfect Jazz album. It isn't a surprise for some people that know me and the works of Madlib, that I've decided to listen to The Last Electro-Acoustic Space Jazz & Percussion Ensemble. However, I didn't choose to play Summer Suite because Madlib is behind it, but because Summer is quickly approaching and I've yet to feel the warmth of Spring (let alone Summer), and my iTunes happened to randomly land on this warm album, so I embraced the randomness.

If you enjoy Jazz music, or are a fan of Madlib's work, I highly recommend Summer Suite. The physical version of the album is no longer available for retail price on the Stones Throw website, or anywhere else I can think of, but it can be found on Amazon for more than 5 times the original price (click here). If you're feeling froggy enough to purchase yourself a copy, you still have a chance. Moreover, the album can also be purchased in MP3 format on iTunes (click here) or on the Stones Throw website (click here). As a heads up, the physical copy is $50 (not including tax depending on the state you reside in, and shipping and handling). Whereas the MP3 version on Stones Throw is only $3.99. I'll leave you guys to be the judge of what's best.

I've also included a sample of the album below. It's not for download, but for listening purposes only. If you enjoy the material you hear, please support the artist by purchasing the album.


The Goddess K said...

The soundcloud idea is really good. It looks good hidden. As for the actually post, the jazz really does fit the mood of weather. It's been really rainy and grey outside here in indy. Great post.

court cobain said...

I wonder if the weather is crappy everywhere.. since the world is supposed to end in a few days.

The Goddess K said...

Nobody knows when the world is going to end. -_-. lol ILY if it does though.

court cobain said...

The world needs to give me at least 50 more years. Love you too punk. Lol, if it does end, I'll see you on the other side.