For Ear Sake is not a music blog that illegally shares albums, but an outlet geared toward supporting artists. You will get a full sense of what moves me musically through the albums reviewed, videos, and other miscellaneous music topics. For Ear Sake was created to shine a light on different genres, and educate individuals on the importance of supporting the artists we listen to. With an open mind and heart for music, not only will this be an adventure, but the perfect source for inspiration, and a journey for you and I respectively. "And through the production of music, we inspire beauty; a gift crafted perfectly with the lessons of life and the fantasy of our futures."

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gone For Awhile, But Not Forever

‘For Ear Sake’ was formed to not only become a source to musically educate the general public, but to also become an outlet for people in search of one. If you’re open to new things, this is the place for you. If you’re in search of a place that features the material you long for, this is the place for you. This is not a source to download music like various other blogs. If that is what you’re in search of, this is not the place for you. At ‘For Ear Sake’, not only will there be shared music from the contributors’ personal music collections, but also new purchases, and music events contributors have gone to. There’s nothing more fulfilling than physically owning music. So please, support the artists you love, and support your local independent music stores!

"I took a more than long break from not only For Ear Sake, but from music in general. Each time I attempted to make a comeback, I came back with empty promises to continue to share my love for music. Time and time again, I fell short. However, I'm back yet again, but the difference now is, I'm no longer running from my calling. I truly believe I was placed on this Earth to touch people through music, and that is what I will do. I vow to stay with For Ear Sake until it transforms into something bigger and better. I'm also coming back with a solid team of good friends to work with me on For Ear Sake; a team of friends that I'm very thankful for. I want to apologize to everyone that I inspired and then let down; people that believed in For Ear Sake, and supported it from the very beginning. I'm not only back to inspire new individuals, but I'm back to re-inspire the individuals that were already here. Thank you." - Court Cobain The Stuyvesants - Panty Dropper

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