For Ear Sake is not a music blog that illegally shares albums, but an outlet geared toward supporting artists. You will get a full sense of what moves me musically through the albums reviewed, videos, and other miscellaneous music topics. For Ear Sake was created to shine a light on different genres, and educate individuals on the importance of supporting the artists we listen to. With an open mind and heart for music, not only will this be an adventure, but the perfect source for inspiration, and a journey for you and I respectively. "And through the production of music, we inspire beauty; a gift crafted perfectly with the lessons of life and the fantasy of our futures."

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Foreign Exchange – Authenticity (2010)
Genres: R&B, Soul

Close your eyes and reflect on the very first time you fell in love. Disregard the actually person, and remember the intensity of the stream of fresh emotions that flowed throughout your entire body. The same feeling can be applied towards the first music group I fell in love with, The Foreign Exchange. Members of the group include Singer and songwriter Phonte & producer Nicolay. The duo's union was definitely destiny, seeing that Dutch producer Nicolay moved from his native home to relocate in the States to collaborate with the rapper from Little Brother Phonte Coleman. Their first album was created while they were apart. The album Connected was created completely via phone and Internet. Connected was an introduction to who Nicolay and Phonte really were. Nicolay's mystical and ambient beats compliment Phonte's vocals and writing so eloquently. Sophmore album Leave It All Behind changed my life, and ultimately altered my entire extistence. The song “Daykeeper” was actually Grammy nominated in 2010, and the album received raved ratings throughout the entire soul culture media.

Men enjoy Soul music just as much women. It’s not often that R&B artists make albums that relate to what men experience in love, marriage, life, and relationships. In October of 2010, The Foreign Exchange released their junior album
Authenticity. The album was crafted ever so beautifully. I didn’t see as much popularity with this album in comparison to the previous two, but the album was still a gem nonetheless. It was a journey that captured trials and tribulations through the eyes of men.

“Authenticity is an honest, revealing record of great potential to be one of those classics mentioned for our generation. The lyrics are thoughtful, charming and most of all genuine. Phonte proves to be the wordsmith we can depend on, making every experience real, and without judgment. It’s refreshing to hear such devotion on wax in our times. Yet, one of the most celebrated keys of success on this album is its diversity. Nicolay decided to continue with the same formula used on City Lights Vol. 2 Shibuya combining atmospheric 70s /80s jazz-fusion, elements of progressive rock movements, and softly laced broken beats. Separating themselves from the boom bap origin on previous albums showed musical growth and edginess that gives the genre a nice push in the right direction.”-

To sum it up, the album is short and sweet. It includes collaborations with Jesse Boykins III, Chantae Cane, YahZarah, Median, and Darian Brockinton. I could compare the album to a ride on a rollercoaster. Each track will take you high and low; but right when you start having fun the ride is over. Currently the group is doing their
Authenticity tour in the U.S. So if you haven’t seen them live yet, be sure to get your tickets. Also, if you happen to see them live, be prepared for an entertaining and heart filled show.

Authenticity as well as previous albums by the duo can be purchased at The Foreign Exchange Music Store or on Amazon. The video for "The Last Fall" is also located below.


court cobain said...

I think I was 18 when I first heard Connected. I loved that album. Leave It All Behind is by far my favorite FE album though. They showed so much growth on that album. I also enjoyed Authenticity.

I honestly think Leave It All Behind got the most recognition because Phonte went from predominately rapping to singing. It was different. It was a new sound at the right moment. I'm not sure why Authenticity didn't get as much recognition though. One thing's for sure... FE fans still stand behind them regardless if they're nominated for a Grammy or not.

The video at the bottom of the post is bonkers! Lmao @ the Nicolay cameo. I loved his expression when the guy got serious about the receipt. Like, "whoa, chill out."

The Goddess K said...

I don't think I can choose between Leave it All Behind and Connected. lol They are both favorite albums of mine. I love the collaborations on each one. Both vividly mapped out journeys in life and love. Although Authenticity didn't get as much recognition, it did the same.

I got a chance to see them perform in Indianapolis during the Authenticity tour and the show was amazing. It was like a family reunion.

court cobain said...

I have to hand it to them... They do put on a good show.