For Ear Sake is not a music blog that illegally shares albums, but an outlet geared toward supporting artists. You will get a full sense of what moves me musically through the albums reviewed, videos, and other miscellaneous music topics. For Ear Sake was created to shine a light on different genres, and educate individuals on the importance of supporting the artists we listen to. With an open mind and heart for music, not only will this be an adventure, but the perfect source for inspiration, and a journey for you and I respectively. "And through the production of music, we inspire beauty; a gift crafted perfectly with the lessons of life and the fantasy of our futures."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Teebs - Ardour (2010)
Genres: Abstract, Electronic, Instrumental

Ardour which is defined as "great intensity and warmth" is the perfect title for Teebs' debut album. Teebs is a 23 year old that originally hails from the East Coast, but decided to plant his feet on West Coast (California) soil to start his life. He literally stumbled upon making music while focusing closer on his artwork after a skate accident. The journey of Teebs' life placed him in the same living complex as Flying Lotus and another fellow Brainfeeder artist Samiyam. This helped influence Teebs as an artist, and allowed him to flourish within his musical craft.

"Ardour was made during two major periods of his life. Having just lost his job and with little to no money, Teebs moved into the same apartment complex as Flying Lotus and shared living quarters with another Brainfeeder affiliate, Samiyam. It was here that the beginning stages and one-half of Ardour were created. Before Teebs was aware his album was showing itself, his father who had been terminally ill, passed away. He moved back home and stopped making music. Back home, Teebs finished where he left off. Ardour, two years in the making, is the result of Teebs’ journey thus far. More than the music, it’ s the feeling he wants to convey. The idea of hearing something you really love, the moment you know something is really special." - Natvralism (Brainfeeder)

Ardour has more to offer than warm sounds. The material featured on this album has the power to take you higher than cloud nine, and deeper than any earth worm would dare to venture. Ardour is the soundtrack to when imaginations run wild. This album gives me the urge to walk along the shore on a breezy summer evening, or enjoy a calm night on a city loft with a glass of wine. It's peaceful, it's beautiful, it's perfect. Another remarkable aspect of the album is the artwork which was done by Teebs himself; so not only is he bringing good vibes musically, he also makes it apparent visually.

Ardour is nothing short of a masterpiece. I highly recommend this album to individuals that enjoy Electronic/Hip Hop/Instrumental music. Similar artists to Teebs would be artists such as, Flying Lotus, AFTA-1, and devonwho to name a few. Ardour can be purchased via Amazon (here) if you're interesting in grabbing yourself a copy. I've also included my favorite track from the album below, so please support the artist by purchasing the material if you like what you hear!

Teebs - You've Changed


vstar* said...

Great album!! LOVE the song you posted!

court cobain said...

Thanks V. It's funny because this album came out during my musical hiatus... and when I heard it, I was like "I'm never putting music down again!"

Decoi Jones said...

Absolutely love it.. I've been in that mood again.. I just want to hear the instruments.. no voices.

court cobain said...

Word Decoi... music that allows your mind to make its own words.