For Ear Sake is not a music blog that illegally shares albums, but an outlet geared toward supporting artists. You will get a full sense of what moves me musically through the albums reviewed, videos, and other miscellaneous music topics. For Ear Sake was created to shine a light on different genres, and educate individuals on the importance of supporting the artists we listen to. With an open mind and heart for music, not only will this be an adventure, but the perfect source for inspiration, and a journey for you and I respectively. "And through the production of music, we inspire beauty; a gift crafted perfectly with the lessons of life and the fantasy of our futures."

Monday, July 11, 2011

Braveyoung - We are Lonely Animals (2011)
Genres: Ambient, Experimental, Post-Rock

I'm just going to start this one off by saying these guys are amazing. A good friend of mine introduced them to me about a year ago and I was thoroughly impressed. Braveyoung is a relatively new band, forming back in 2008.

We are Lonely Animals is comparable to a full motion picture soundtrack. Every track on this album tells a beautiful story; stories of joy, pain, struggle, laughter, sorrow, and more. There were times while listening to this album I shut my eyes and let the music speak to me. From start to finish, I was moved by the music, and at one point was almost brought to tears. The best part of this album is the stories are told solely though music. In fact, I think there is only one track on the entire album that actually has lyrics. With that being said, the vocals that are actually on the album are not that impressive, but the music that accompanies the singing takes over the song.

Braveyoung's sound can collectively be described as powerful. Dark, slow, swirling guitars accompanied by soft yet compelling percussion makes for an amazing sound. This album is highly recommended, and definitely worth a listen. it's available on vinyl (click here) and cd as well as digital download on iTunes (click here). Here's a very somber song called "Dark Days, Including After Midnight" that I particularly enjoy, and I hope you do as well. Thank you for reading.

Braveyoung - Dark Days, Including After Midnight


tekneiq said...

thanks court. you should definitely check out the album if you haven't already.

court cobain said...

Will do. I know I'll hear it the next time we kick it.

tekneiq said...

true. thanks for the love homie.